Core Values

Core values are the principles that drive your life and shape who you are. They are the values which guide your thoughts and actions whether your know it or not. When you do something that is in contrast to your core values you are likely to feel uneasy or unsettled. However, if you don’t know what yours are, you are likely to work against yourself. Work through this list of core values and pick five which really resonate with you. Then use them as filters in all that you do. If something doesn’t align with your core values, simply do not engage it.

Here are short definitions for each core value:

  1. Accountability: Taking responsibility for actions and decisions.
  2. Achievement: Accomplishing goals and reaching success.
  3. Adaptability: Embracing change and being flexible.
  4. Adventure: Seeking excitement and new experiences.
  5. Altruism: Selflessly helping others.
  6. Ambition: Striving for success and improvement.
  7. Authenticity: Being genuine and true to oneself.
  8. Balance: Maintaining stability between priorities.
  9. Beauty: Appreciating aesthetics and harmony.
  10. Being the best: Pursuing excellence and mastery.
  11. Belonging: Feeling accepted and connected to a group.
  12. Career: Building a professional life with purpose.
  13. Caring: Showing concern and kindness for others.
  14. Collaboration: Working effectively with others.
  15. Commitment: Dedication to a cause or goal.
  16. Community: Building relationships within a group or area.
  17. Compassion: Understanding and empathy for others’ suffering.
  18. Competence: Being skilled and capable.
  19. Confidence: Trusting in oneself and one’s abilities.
  20. Connection: Building meaningful relationships.
  21. Contentment: Finding satisfaction and peace.
  22. Contribution: Adding value or giving to others.
  23. Cooperation: Working together towards shared goals.
  24. Courage: Facing fears and challenges with bravery.
  25. Creativity: Producing innovative and original ideas.
  26. Curiosity: Seeking knowledge and exploring new ideas.
  27. Dignity: Valuing self-worth and respect.
  28. Diversity: Embracing differences and variety.
  29. Environment: Protecting and valuing the natural world.
  30. Efficiency: Maximizing productivity with minimal waste.
  31. Equality: Ensuring fairness and equal opportunities.
  32. Ethics: Following moral principles and integrity.
  33. Excellence: Striving for the highest quality.
  34. Fairness: Treating people equitably and justly.
  35. Faith: Believing in a higher purpose or power.
  36. Family: Valuing close relationships and kinship.
  37. Financial stability: Maintaining secure finances.
  38. Forgiveness: Letting go of resentment or grievances.
  39. Freedom: Having the ability to make independent choices.
  40. Friendship: Nurturing mutual trust and affection.
  41. Fun: Enjoying lighthearted and entertaining moments.
  42. Future generations: Ensuring a better world for those to come.
  43. Generosity: Giving freely without expectation.
  44. Giving back: Contributing to community or society.
  45. Grace: Showing elegance and kindness in actions.
  46. Gratitude: Appreciating and being thankful.
  47. Growth: Continual personal and professional development.
  48. Harmony: Living in peace and agreement.
  49. Health: Prioritizing physical and mental well-being.
  50. Home: Creating a safe and comforting environment.
  51. Honesty: Being truthful and transparent.
  52. Hope: Believing in positive outcomes.
  53. Humility: Staying modest and respectful.
  54. Humor: Enjoying and sharing laughter and joy.
  55. Inclusion: Ensuring everyone feels valued and accepted.
  56. Independence: Relying on oneself and self-sufficiency.
  57. Initiative: Taking proactive action and leadership.
  58. Integrity: Upholding strong moral principles.
  59. Intuition: Trusting one’s instincts and insights.
  60. Job security: Feeling safe and stable in employment.
  61. Joy: Experiencing happiness and delight.
  62. Justice: Upholding fairness and equality.
  63. Kindness: Acting with warmth and compassion.
  64. Knowledge: Pursuing learning and understanding.
  65. Leadership: Guiding and inspiring others.
  66. Learning: Gaining skills and insights continuously.
  67. Legacy: Leaving a lasting impact.
  68. Leisure: Enjoying relaxation and downtime.
  69. Love: Fostering deep affection and care.
  70. Loyalty: Remaining steadfast and devoted.
  71. Making a difference: Positively impacting others or the world.
  72. Nature: Valuing the outdoors and natural beauty.
  73. Openness: Being receptive to new ideas and experiences.
  74. Optimism: Looking forward with hope and positivity.
  75. Order: Creating structure and organization.
  76. Parenting: Raising and nurturing children.
  77. Patience: Tolerating delays and challenges calmly.
  78. Patriotism: Devotion to one’s country.
  79. Peace: Promoting tranquility and non-violence.
  80. Perseverance: Persisting despite obstacles.
  81. Personal fulfillment: Achieving a sense of purpose.
  82. Power: Having influence and control.
  83. Pride: Feeling satisfaction in achievements.
  84. Recognition: Receiving acknowledgment for efforts.
  85. Reliability: Being dependable and trustworthy.
  86. Resourcefulness: Solving problems creatively.
  87. Respect: Valuing others’ rights and feelings.
  88. Responsibility: Fulfilling obligations.
  89. Risk-taking: Embracing uncertainty to achieve goals.
  90. Safety: Protecting well-being and security.
  91. Security: Feeling safe and stable.
  92. Self-discipline: Controlling impulses and staying focused.
  93. Self-expression: Sharing one’s thoughts and creativity.
  94. Self-respect: Valuing one’s own worth.
  95. Serenity: Experiencing calm and tranquility.
  96. Service: Helping others and contributing to society.
  97. Simplicity: Finding joy in minimalism and clarity.
  98. Spirituality: Connecting with deeper meaning or faith.
  99. Sportsmanship: Playing with fairness and respect.
  100. Stewardship: Managing resources responsibly.
  101. Success: Achieving goals and aspirations.
  102. Teamwork: Collaborating to achieve common goals.
  103. Thrift: Being economical and mindful with resources.
  104. Time: Valuing and managing life’s moments wisely.
  105. Tradition: Honoring cultural or personal heritage.
  106. Travel: Exploring new places and cultures.
  107. Trust: Believing in others’ reliability and integrity.
  108. Truth: Pursuing and valuing honesty.
  109. Understanding: Gaining insight and empathy.
  110. Uniqueness: Celebrating individuality.
  111. Usefulness: Being helpful and functional.
  112. Vision: Imagining and striving toward a better future.
  113. Vulnerability: Embracing openness and authenticity.
  114. Wealth: Accumulating financial and material abundance.
  115. Well-being: Maintaining holistic health and happiness.
  116. Wholeheartedness: Fully committing with passion.
  117. Wisdom: Applying knowledge and experience thoughtfully.
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