How I use the Johnny Decimal System as a Manager

The Johnny Decimal System (JDS) is a method for organizing information in a logical and easy-to-navigate way, inspired by the Dewey Decimal System used in libraries. It assigns numerical codes to categories and subcategories to keep files, documents, and tasks systematically grouped.

I first discovered the JDS about two years ago as I was building a digital library of books and other publications for my personal use. I remembered the Dewy Decimal system used in the libraries of my youth and thought there had to be an equivalent. In a short search I discovered the JDS and I have used it both personally and professionally ever since.

My Professional File Structure

My current employer used Microsoft Windows and 365 primarily and therefore I live in the Windows space professionally. As a Linux user in a personal setting, I have discovered key differences between the operating systems which I believe must be noted.

  • Case Sensitivity: Linux is case sensitive, Windows is not. Therefore a directory named `my folder` will be interpreted differently on both systems. This is important if you may expect to share files with someone else using a different OS.
  • Space Handling: Windows will allow spaces in filenames and subsequently make up the difference when searching or pointing a URL to the file. Linux on the other hand is very specific about spaces in file names and will require a little more care in naming. I use “.” to space my files names in Linux and that does not translate well as Windows sees the characters after the last period of a file name to be a file extension. Windows also sees periods (before the extension) as part of the words and does not stop when processing the name.

With that said, below is a top-level snapshot of how I structure my folders in a professional setting.

SectionNameFull Name

Within each top level folder there are aptly named sub-folders. Let’s use 10-19-staff for example.


Within folder 11 I would have sub-folders named as such 11-01-direct_report_name. This allows me to have an infinite number of folders as needed.

Quick Access and Recall

By using this system I can quickly navigate to the directory or files I need simply because I know the top-level folder and its category. If I am looking for an invoice I know to start with 40-49-finance. From there I can quickly find my invoices folder. It is important to maintain a uniform filename structure or else you could be searching aimlessly. Keeping with the example, creating a folder for each vendor (ex. 41-acme_supply) is helpful and then name each invoice with the following format, acme_supply-2024_05_17. By using the vendor name in the file name you will be able to easily identify it in a search.


Transitioning to JDS

If you want to try using the JDS I suggest start by creating a new set of folders within your home directory and moving your existing files into them as you see fit. This was a challenge for me in the beginning as I had files I have never really thought to categorize before. It took some time and thought but I got there and I still continue to transition some things when I clean up my files.


This system is straightforward and so very helpful as a personal system. While I am sure something could be employed in a large organization, getting everyone on-board could prove challenging. The JDS is perfect for me and I encourage you to try it out for yourself.

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